Crystal lamp is acted the role of historical data

22/08/2013 17:02

In 1618 the lamp, the metal is hanged with natural crystal made of egg and spray pendant.

In 1673 due to the natural crystal is expensive and difficult to guarantee quality, so the imitation of natural crystal, with excellent glass crystal lamp act the role ofing thoughts began to sprout. The world's first artificial crystal lamp is acted the role of, as the French italians Bernardo Perotto Mr Was created in 1673. The lamp is still in the museum.

In 1687, the French emperor Louis xiv of a batch of imported from Italy using natural crystal/quartz crystal lamp,

Mr. Vir palace installed in Mr. Vir race palace. Because these things clearly recorded in the inventory records, therefore, everyone often in this palace as the crystalline light source.

Louis xiv in 1699 in the decision, to grant the patent right for M.B ertin Sir, production of die casting glass, instead of natural quartz, crystal pendant lamp.

1800 crystalline light crystal pendant and accessories, as demand cases, was born in Italy and France. But the Bohemian between the 17th and 18th centuries, with superior quality and competitive price, high quality and high yield, xiong, the crystal lighting pendant accessories market.

The crystalline light and began to catch.