Eat sugar addiction
This week, according to foreign media reports, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition) published a study found that eating sugar content is higher, can make human body blood sugar to rise, and then suddenly fell sharply, not only "hungry" resistance, also can let a person become addicted to high carbohydrate diet.
Fish & seafood, New study has found that, after 4 hours, high sugar food, hungry, also not choose to eat protein, fiber content is rich and carbohydrate fewer meals.
Research also shows that four hours after eating less than "gl" meals, high-carbohydrate meal will be more intense stimulation brain regions associated with impulse and reward yourself diet. In this way, the next time you eat, not only will be more hungry, also want to eat more of the same high carbohydrate food.
The study by researchers at the harvard medical school and children's hospital Boston, in collaboration with.