Food as fresh as possible?
Health & Medical,Although everyone likes to eat fresh food, but for some food is not as fresh as possible, exactly what cannot take advantage of the fresh food to eat?
Fresh milk
Media reports said the city farmers holding cow street is crowded now sold, was welcomed by the citizen. Experts point out that, however, it is not is not an option. Because milk is now out of pathogen, such as brinell bacillus, n/med tuberculosis bacili, easy to cause the zoonotic infectious diseases. In addition, the "fresh milk" milk there is no guarantee that the environmental hygiene, disinfection of container and milking member health, etc. Therefore, consumers or go to the supermarket to buy normal manufacturer production of milk is safe.
Fresh tea
Place refers to the tea leaves picked less than a month, such as seasonal fresh tea. Wang Yi tells a reporter, just made of picking tea, contains active substances such as strong tannic acid, alkaloids, if a large number of drinking, can make the person's nervous system excitement, like a drunk in the circulation of the blood, heart rate, make the person feels palpitate. Therefore, we should pay attention to drink fresh tea shoulds not be too thick, too much, it is best to place a period of time, after waiting for tea polyphenols in the partial oxidation to drink.
Fresh day lily
Jia Jianbin advice, try to avoid eating fresh day lily. Colchicine is contained in fresh day lily, after intestinal absorption can be turned into toxic substances in the body, cause food poisoning. Dried daylily, by contrast, in the process of making through steam fumigation, drying and other processes, can remove most of the colchicine, more secure. Colchicine can dissolve in water, therefore, if eat fresh day lily, must first after blanch the process such as water, brew, dry day lily before eating the best soaking.
Contain a certain amount of nitrate in fresh vegetables, in the process of salt, it will be restored into nitrite, concentration after reaching a peak, nitrite and gradually use or decomposed by bacteria. And has certain carcinogenic nitrite. Generally speaking, the pickle nitrite most of the time.