Russian gas oil and Boolean & west natural gas treatment plant

13/03/2014 12:59
According to Russian media reported on December 25, Moscow, Russia's gas oil and Russia's largest petrochemical company west Boolean has signed an agreement. According to the agreement, the two sides will in the autonomous region is located in the hunter - mansi existing Yuzhno - Priobskaya compressor station on the basis of building a new natural gas treatment plant. The new natural gas treatment plant will be dealing with 900000 cubic meters of associated LPG (APG).
Natural gas processing plants are designed to have at least 95% of the liquid recovery, in line with international standards.
This project will be made by the Russian gas oil and west Boolean formed a joint venture (each hold 50% stake) and Yuzhno - Priobskaya compressor station is implemented. According to the memo, the Russian gas oil will be long-term supply APG to the joint venture, the west will pay half the amount of Boolean. Partnership project processing APG and the production of refined products.