Strawberry: scientific fertilization
Strawberry is very strict with the external environment, the condition is suitable when can grow infinitely, adverse conditions can quickly dormancy. Such as lack of fertilizer soil drought, low temperature, born small or excessive growth, flower bud is difficult to form, or delay the formation, influence the ripe stage, yield and quality. Can only promote strawberry optimizing environment and cultivation measures, early maturity, high yield and good quality.
First of all, to give sufficient basal, seedling fertilizer. If topdressing water waste, to prevent environmental pollution, to prevent fresh fruit decay.
Secondly, to adjust temperature wet, break the dormancy. To implement three membrane covered, namely, film, greenhouse film and shed film more coverage. 2 it is in high temperature, sunny days to open the waist films ventilation, ventilation rainy day to open the films at both ends. Third, in the continuous high temperature and drought, moisture management with low water furrow irrigation, and some strawberries under the condition of normal temperature humidity early effective flower bud differentiation.
Third, supplementary pollination, controlled plant fruit. Strawberry is given priority to with pollinating the flowers, but bad insemination can produce deformity fruit or small fruit maturity is poor.
Fourth, will often pick the leaflets, prevent diseases and pests. Prevent method, one is the control of temperature and strawberry MiaoWang long. The second is for diseases and removed at any time with the saw blade. Third, the chemical control of diseases and pests.