What is cake showcase role
Cake showcase how to use temperature control microbial growth, temperature for 5 to 46 ℃ is in danger of pathogenic bacteria growth range. When food in danger temperature range for the pathogenic bacteria does not grow as much as possible, cake display cabinet to limit food is stored in the temperature range of time is very critical.
1, reveal ark of frozen cake.
Some microbes in cake showcase the frozen storage process to remain active for a long time. Most viruses, bacteria, bacterial spores and part of the reproductive body can survive in freezing temperatures.
Other some organisms with the cake showcase of food freezing process of one or more steps such as refrigeration, freezing or thawing is sensitive. Due to some multicellular organisms are usually more sensitive to low temperature than bacteria, so the cake display cabinet is frozen, refrigerated destruction of organisms in a variety of food such as parasitic protozoa, nematode, an effective method of worm. For direct consumption or not cooked food is edible, this is especially important.
2, cake display cabinet refrigeration.
Online Global B2B Marketplace, Cake display cabinet refrigeration temperature control the growth of pathogenic bacteria are indeed played a good role, but some germs such as listeria and Yale's bacteria can grow while near the freezing point. Cake display cabinet refrigeration in the slow food metamorphism, oxidative rancidity and other quality defects lead to change of biological, chemical process has a significant role.
Cake display cabinet there are several ways to control the temperature in storage, ice, chemical coolant and mechanical air cooling. If ice and chemical coolant is used to control temperature, by simply check products around enough coolant can guarantee control. Coolant enough meaning is the product temperature is maintained at the required temperature, or is the product within the prescribed period of time to the right temperature.
If use air cooled cake display cabinet, by checking the temperature of the product can ensure the temperature under control. If the cake display cabinet refrigeration temperature is related to the temperature of the product and to monitor the temperature of the cold storage area to ensure the temperature of the product under control.